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Paula Deen

No apron required: Paula Deen's new clothing line?

You may know her as the friendly, bubbly chef and entrepreneur (she sells butter-flavored lip gloss among other things!) but soon, you may be stylin' her shirts, too. During a recent appearance on the Tonight Show, Southern charmer Paula Deen announced to Jay Leno and late-night cacklers that she has a clothing line in the works. Not much else has been mentioned about this new venture, but we're chomping at the bit (with butter-flavored lips) for more info!

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An apple a day keeps the gunk away: Dissolving label helps keep fruit clean

We love our food labels… except for maybe one type in particular. That would be the kind that you find on some fruit sold at the grocery stores. You know, like the ones stuck on apples that, no matter how carefully you peel that label away and wash them, there's always some gunky stuff left behind? Hey, we don't need that kind of fiber in our diets!

Lucky for us, help may be on the way! Scott Amron has invented and designed a fruit label made out of a natural fruit wash. It's called a Fruitwash Label and kills two birds with one stone: The label dissolves into something that, when wet, helps you wash away the grime from your no-longer-forbidden fruit. Keep your eyes peeled for this one, as it doesn't yet exist.

Survey says: Just tap water for me, thanks

Imagine if you will: You're at your favorite restaurant and your server swings by for your drink order. Do you ever get "the look" when you say, "Just tap water for me, please?" You know the one -- it's sometimes accompanied by an eye roll that indicates, "There goes my big tip." Well you're not alone -- at least in your drink order.

According to The NPD Group and its report, Beverages at Foodservice: Satisfying Our Thirst for Beverages, out of the 50 billion drink servings ordered at restaurants per year, tap water accounts for 4 billion. The report shows that, since 2006, tap water servings have increased while drinks with prices attached to them have decreased.

Why do you suppose this is? Consumers noted that you get free refills with tap water, it has no calories and, um, in case you haven't noticed, some people are concerned with their finances these days. Bottoms up!

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Source: Huffington Post, Photo credit: Michael Wright/WENN.com

